April 26 2024 14:35:39
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Hoop Fetish » Hoop Earrings » Hoop Fashion
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Cultural Appropriation
I've been meaning to start a topic on this for a bit as I keep encountering this discussion and can't help but roll my eyes. Hoop earrings have been worn since the time of egyptian pharohs and were certainly not invented by black people. Personally I would say I associate it more with hispanic women than I do black women. In any case, I love hoops on all women so I hate to see any sort of divide there.

What do you all think?

If you're not familiar with the debate, here's some links:
Wearing something that you like is not "Cultural Appropriation", is improving your life with someone else's idea. People copy ideas and wearing a certain style of jewellery cannot be copyrighted.

Everyting's a remix:

People see ideas, copy them, adapt them, mix them... deal with it, SJWs. We should fight against racism, LGTBphobia, sexism... not against people who copy ideas that they like.

Also, as you say, hoop earrings are a stile of earrings worn since centuries, so there is no reason to think that certain people has the privilege of being able to wear them.

BTW: this is the same reason because jewellery on men should be always accepted. Wearing jewellery is not a women privilege, jewellery looks awesome also on men.
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